Solar Street Light System
Lighting is an essential requirement of individual houses & community. Indoor & Outdoor lighting through Solar Photo Voltaic has effected the following types of systems.
1. Street Lighting System is an outdoor type of lighting with automatic dusk to dawn facilities. It is an ideal for areas with no conventional sources of energy or electrification such as remote villages, temples, forest bits, inspection bungalows. The system consists of Two SPV modules. One II watt CFL (compact flourescent lamp) equivalent to 40 watt, inverter, charge controller, 12 V battery,4 mtr. mast, with module frame and brackets.
2. Domestic Lighting System is an indoor type of Lighting with 4hrs. capacity. The system consists of-One SPV module, Two 9 watt CFL, One battery, inverter, charge controller. |
The batteries are lead acid tubular stationary type of he rating 12 volt 75 AH 10 watt protected from over charge,deep discharge, reverse polarity. |
The LED indicators shows as: Green for charging, Red for deep discharge and yellow for over charge. |