Choose Positive Energy This Summer
Energy insecurity is going to be the most difficult problem to be faced by human society in near future. An energy starved society can hardly develop. The ever dwindling fossil fuel reserves and the adverse environmental impact of their mindless use have already pushed us to a point where climate change and global warming has occupied center stage in all international discussions . . We desperately need to wriggle out of it. The only way ahead is conservation and efficient use of the available resources and use of renewable resources of energy.
OREDA being the State Nodal Agency for development and propagation of renewable energy has taken up the task of raising awareness on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. For this very purpose it has established the Biju Patnaik energy Park which is a unique blend of technology and amusement.
The park endeavors to take up summer camps for school children where the children will be exposed to various renewable energy resources, devices, conversion technologies, energy conservation methods and practices etc. Children will also be given small “do it yourself” energy projects and will be asked to participate in mock parliament that would discuss the problems of energy.
Experts from OREDA and other line organizations will interact with children and try to give them their best so as to make the children more knowledgeable about this important subject.
So please choose to join an entirely different kind of camp this summer that will give you a vision for the future.